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02/25/2004: "Mid-Course Evaluation"
The problem with course evaluations is they usually come at the end of the course. Depending on the conscientiousness of the instructor, this may stand to benefit future students in the course, but has little impact on the experience for the current students.
Please feel free to leave comments about what you would like to see changed. I believe you can post anonymously here by using a made-up name and email address.
Would you like more factual information or less?
Do you like the semi-public weblogs, or would you rather have had a private journal? Do you read others' weblogs, and if so, do you find that valuable?
Now that we're halfway through the course, is it apparent there are any important topics missing from the syllabus?
Should I talk or lecture more, or should I keep quiet more often? (Note that there will be coming weeks without your presentations, so I expect to lecture more)
If you're more visually-inclined, or if words aren't your thing, feel free to use the emoticons to the left of the comments window.
Feel free to vent your spleen. Remember, I did ask for it. 
Replies: 3 Comments
on Thursday, March 11th, denise p said
I feel that this class is exactly what I need right before I begin my internship. The practical application of ethical principles, the frank and human approach to our situation as soon-to-be psychologists, and the depth of discussion are GREATLY appreciated.
on Wednesday, March 10th, Mary said
I love the 'symposium' feel of the class -- we had the basics in our first ethics class, and this is allowing us to explore key issues in depth. The blog is a bit of a pain -- hard to check everyone's, based on their schedule of getting things entered and mine -- but I like the idea of the open diaglogue it affords. We all need to work on being a bit more pithy -- some of the entries are quite lengthy and hard to digest. Thanks for asking, Chris.
on Tuesday, March 9th, Cathy Hillman said
Dr. Combs, I really like your class and look forward to it each week. Initially, I had a difficult time getting into the flow of class discussions, but that is due to the nature of my personality, as I tend to be a little more quiet. I also had some trouble getting familiar with the blogging, because I do not have the internet hooked up in my household. However, I do feel that this has become easier for me as the semester has progressed and I would not discourage you from including it in future ethics courses. This class has already increased my knowledge on certain topics and have challenged my previous beliefs.